Swimming lessons in Gambia
?? Zwemles in Gambia
In Gambia hebben veel kinderen weinig gelegenheid om te spelen en sporten. Voor en na school doen ze veel huishoudelijke klussen, zoals koken, wassen, schoonmaken, water halen en op broertjes en zusjes passen. Ze werken mee in de moestuin en aan het verkopen van groenten of fruit. Natuurlijk zijn onderdak, voedsel en medische zorg prioriteiten voor mensen, maar dat is het recht van een kind om kind te zijn ook!
In Gambia is het een van de weinige uitjes om naar zee te lopen, maar in zee gaan is gevaarlijk en daarom willen we de kinderen leren zwemmen. Dat vinden ze erg leuk, net als kinderen in Nederland graag sporten en spelen.
In Nederland hebben we het Jeugdfonds dat arme gezinnen helpt met de kosten voor sporten zoals zwemmen. In Gambia hebben wij dit Irmakunda Fonds met hetzelfde doel, arme kinderen te laten zwemmen en tevens te behoeden voor verdrinking als ze naar zee gaan.
Please Donate for the Irmakunda Swimming Academy!
Information Gambia : https://www.accessgambia.com/biz1/irma-kunda-swimming-academy.html

??In the Gambia many children have little opportunity to play and do sports. Before and after school they do many household chores, such as cooking, washing, fetching water and babysitting siblings. They help in the vegetable garden and in de sale of vegetables and fruit for the family income.Of course shelter, food and medical care are priorities, but so is a child’s right to be a child!
In the Gambia it is an outing to walk to the sea, but going into the sea is dangerous for them who mostly can’t swim and that is why Irmakunda Fund Gambia organizes to teach children to swim. They like that very much, just like the children in the Netherlands like to play sports and games.
In the Netherlands we have the Youth Fund that helps poor families with the costs of sports such as swimming.In the Gambia we have the Irmakunda Sponsor Program with the same goal, to teach poor children to swim and also protect them from drowning when they go to the sea.
Irmakunda Swimming Academy
??The vision and the aim of the Irmakunda Swimming Academy is to give attention to the need and benefits of swimming and exercise in water.
Swimming lessons and the aqua fitness training are given for several reasons, namely :
– To prevent the people from drowning.
– As an healthy fitness exercise even if you can’t swim.
– To prevent immobilisation problems caused by sickness or older age.
– It helps to lose weight and supports a diet.
The program of the Academy is organized by Abdel Kadere. He is a professional swimmer and instructor. Abdel has all the certificates and qualifications necessary to conduct basic and advanced lessons to both children and adults. He shows a real passion in his work and connects to his students very well.
In the Sponsor Program of the Irmakunda Fund Gambia we bring children that can’t afford the payments of the Academy lessons and give them a chance to learn to swim by sponsoring.
If you feel the same about giving this opportunity to the children please join the Sponsor Program by giving a donation. We can’t do it without you!!
Together we shall aim for nationally integrated swimming lessons as a subject within the school programs. Abdel already started this in the SBEC School.
For more information call Abdel Kadere : 220-7997710